9 Dog Myths That Are As Full Of It as Your Poop Bag

There are so many things about dogs that we were brought up believing were true. Some are, in fact, true, such as dogs can’t eat chocolate. It is one of the top reasons people call the ASPCA Poison Hotline. Others, though, are myths. Here are nine common dog myths that are as full of you know what as your poop bag — assuming you do the right thing and pick up after your dog.

Photo credit: Depositphotos.

Dogs See Only Black and White

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Contrary to popular belief, dogs can see some colors, although not as vividly as humans. They primarily see in shades of blue and yellow. Think of it as if dogs were color blind humans who can see only certain shades.
Read the Article: Canine Myths Debunked

Dogs Only Wag Their Tail When They’re Happy

Excited large mixed breed dog walking forward over white background wagging tail with motion blur
Photo credit: Depositphotos.

While it is true that dogs will wag their tail when they’re happy — our dog Oscar can even do a full helicopter tail when excited — it’s not the only time they do wag their tails. You might even see a dog wagging its tail when it is feeling anxiety, agitation or even aggression.
Read the Article: Canine Myths Debunked

Dogs Eat Grass to Soothe Tummy Troubles

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This one feels true because both of my dogs will eat grass and then, soon thereafter, vomit. However, according to medical experts, in most instances dogs eat grass because they’re bored, curious or flat-out hungry.
Read the Article: Canine Myths Debunked

You Can’t Teach Old Dogs New Tricks

Side view of man training two dogs at country road on meadow.
Photo credit: Depositphotos.

We debunked this myth in our old home when we adopted a four-year-old dog. He came to use with no manners, but with some hard work and lots of treats, he soon learned to sit, stay and do all sorts of other things that polite puppies do.
Read the Article: Canine Myths Debunked

Dogs Always Have Bad Breath

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Sure, dogs lick their butts but that doesn’t mean they have to have bad breath. Like human, if your canine has good oral care, then its less likely to have bad breath.
Read the Article: Canine Myths Debunked

Dogs Only Lick to Groom

Dog is cleaning itself.Appenzeller Mountain Dog licking
Photo credit: Depositphotos.

Yes, it’s true that dogs will groom themselves but sometimes there are other reasons they’ll lick parts of their body. They could be bored, anxious or have allergies. Especially if they lick or chew on their feet, their skin is mostly likely itching them. Now would be the time to call your vet about getting a pet prescription for allergy medication.
Read the Article: Canine Myths Debunked

Mixed Breeds Are Healthier Than Purebreds

Photo credit: Leah Ingram.

While mixed breeds can benefit from genetic diversity, they are not automatically healthier than purebreds. Both can have health issues as we learned with our dog Sadie. Thanks to Wisdom Panel DNA, we learned that she is half purebred redbone coonhound and half mixed breed. Nonetheless, she has a heart murmur and chronic eye diseas.
Read the Article: Canine Myths Debunked

Dogs Need Regularly Baths

Wet terrier crossbreed dog in bathtub with soap suds all over head and an unhappy expression
Photo credit: Depositphotos.

Dogs don’t need to be bathed as often as humans. Over-bathing can strip their coat of essential oils, leading to dry skin. The frequency of baths depends on the dog’s breed, coat type and lifestyle.
Read the Article: Canine Myths Debunked

One Dog Year Equals Seven Human Years

Labrador retriever dog with a birthday cake and a party hat
Photo credit: Adobe Photos.

Experts say this myth likely started when humans only lived to about 70 and dog only lived to about 10. Well, if you’ve ever had a small dog, then you know that they often live well into their teens. And humans are now living longer than ever. Regardless of the equation, enjoy every day you have with your dog.
Read the Article: Canine Myths Debunked

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