Do you know which colleges and universities have a dog mascot?

And which breed is the most popular?

By far, more schools are known as the bulldogs than any other dog breed.

This includes Butler, James Madison, the University of Georgia and Yale

Another popular dog mascot is the greyhound.

Some of the schools with a greyhound mascot include Assumption, Loyola University Maryland, Moravian College and the University of Indianapolis

Huskies are also popular. Perhaps the best known team of huskies is the University of Connecticut aka UConn. 

These schools are also Huskies: University of Washington, University of Southern Maine, Michigan Tech, Northeastern & Northern Illinois University

SUNY Albany's mascot is the Great Dane.

Carnegie Mellon's mascot is the Scottish Terrier. So is Agnes Scott College.

The Texas A&M University mascot is a collie called Reveille.

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